This cue is not only beautiful but is clean as it comes. Looks like a cue that deserves someone who wants a working piece of functional art that will produce and provide results. 29 inch Butt weight is exactly 14.70oz. 29 inch Ultra pro wood shaft weighs 3.80oz and is 12.30mm with a Tiger Everest Tip.
29 inch Jacoby Black V4 First Quality Carbon Shaft is 12.30mm with a Kamui Black Clear Soft Tip. Combined weight is 18.50oz / 18.70oz depending on which shaft you use with the butt. Birdseye Maple Buttsleeve with multiple MOP diamond and round inlays.
Birdseye Maple Forearm with 4 stained red gold webbed Points, 4 high with Red, black, red black veneers.